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Dunes Digest Emails

​The Palmetto Dunes Board of Directors recommends all homeowners register for electronic notifications to help the Association reduce mailing costs and to improve the efficiency of the communication process.  Please click here to access the Consent to Receive Electronic Notifications Form and click here to receive Consent to Electronic Voting Form.​

The Dunes Digest email newsletter is sent only to members of the Palmetto Dunes Condominium Association to keep you aware of business transacted by your board of directors and appointed committees.  The newsletter is to inform the members of the association’s policies, programs, and activities. 

​If you rent your unit, we suggest you share the newsletter with the renter to keep them aware of what is happening at Palmetto Dunes.  Space and emphasis are allocated according to the following priorities:


  • Official Notices of Budget Meetings, Regular Board Meetings, Board Workshops, Board of Director Elections, and Annual Association Meetings.

  • Communications from the Board, the officers, and association committees, including meeting minutes, committee reports, and sub-committee reports.

  • Information regarding events, activities, or programs sponsored by or affiliated with the Palmetto Dunes Condominium Association.

  • Communications from the President of the Board

  • Official documents of the association e.g. Association bylaws.

  • Information of interest or importance to maintaining the unit owner’s properties.

  • Information from contracted service providers informing members of financial or property management issues.

  • Links to other websites or information of importance to members.

  • Click on any of the following to read each individual newsletter.


   2024 Newsletters


     Click here to read emails from 2023

​     â€‹Click Here to read emails from 2021 and 2022.  This will take you to a download. Click on that and the         MS Word document will be downloaded for you to access. 

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