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Bylaws, Rules and Regulations

In 2013, to keep our declarations and bylaws in compliance with the Pelican Sound master documents, the Palmetto Dunes at Pelican Sound Condominium Association, Inc., updated its documents. The following were approved at the Palmetto Dunes Annual Meeting on March 21, 2013.  They were filed with the appropriate local and State agencies by our legal firm.


For the convenience of our owners, we have broken down the full set of declarations and bylaws into five PDF’s as follows:

Palmetto Dunes Amended and Restated Declaration of Condominium and Bylaws (Pages 1-49)
Palmetto Dunes Amended and Restated Declaration of Condominium (continued) (Pages 50-63)
Palmetto Dunes Article of Incorporation (Pages 64-70)
Palmetto Dunes Corrected, Amended and Restated Bylaws (Pages 71-90)

Palmetto Dunes Rules and Regulations (Pages 91-97)

Palmetto Dunes Assn. – Rules & Regulations Certification Form


Palmetto Dunes No Smoking Amendment (Added April 2014)


Palmetto Dunes Assn. – Sales Application for Purchase

Palmetto Dunes Assn. – Frequently Asked Questions

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